Burned in Stones Creator Kit


The mechanics and details regarding the setting of Stoneburner and Tales of the Burned Stones are available under an open license, as outlined below, enabling you to distribute and modify the text within the bounds of the license, which requires you to provide attribution.

Both games build on a framework provided by the Breathless SRD, and as such their mechanics will eventually be part of the Breathless Creator Kit and Design Document. Depending on your needs and preferences, you may either use the terms and logos available below, or the ones available in the Breathless Creator Kit.

Read the Breathless Creator Kit



Stoneburner and Tales of the Burned Stones are licensed under the ORC License available online at various locations including www.azoralaw.com/orclicense. All warranties are disclaimed as set forth therein. The following elements are owned by the Licensor and would otherwise constitute Reserved Material and are hereby designated as Licensed Material: all the details about the setting, the non-player characters, the rolling tables, and the adventures.

Attribution Text

If you use our Licensed Material in your own published work, please credit us in your product as follows:

This work is based on Stoneburner, product of Fari RPGs (https://farirpgs.com/), developed and authored by René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas and Galen Pejeau. This product is licensed under the ORC License available online at various locations including www.azoralaw.com/orclicense. All warranties are disclaimed as set forth therein.

Logo and Assets

If you want, you may use the following image to identify your game as a "Burned in Stones".

Download "Burned in Stones" logos