Firelights Creator Kit

The mechanics and details regarding the setting of Firelights and the Firelights Creator Kit are available under an open license, as outlined below, enabling you to distribute and modify the text within the bounds of the license, which requires you to provide attribution

Design Document

If you are looking to make your own game Guided by Firelights, you can start by reading the Firelights Design document.

The document includes the game's open licensed SRD text along with many guidelines to help you design your own game based on the engine that powers Firelights.

Read the Firelights Design Document

License and Attribution

The text of Firelights is available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 license. To make a something based on Firelights, simply include the following text in your game:

This work is based on Firelights, product of Fari RPGs (, developed and authored by René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (


If you make a game based off Firelights, you may use the following logos to indicates that your game is Guided by Firelights.

Download "Guided by Firelights" Logos